Keep Your Site Safe With These Simple Tips

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November 2, 2022
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There are a number of ways to make your website more secure, but the most important thing is to be proactive and take steps to protect your site before it's too late. In this blog post, we'll discuss five basic steps you can take to secure your website.

1. Keep all software and plugins up-to-date. Outdated software can often have security vulnerabilities, making your website more susceptible to attacks. Make sure you regularly update all software, including any content management system (CMS) or website builder you may use.

2. Use strong passwords and change them regularly. Using easily guessed or weak passwords leaves your site open to hacking attempts. Make sure your password is at least 8 characters long and uses a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. And, just as importantly, change them frequently.

3. Use secure protocols for transmitting sensitive information. Any pages on your website where users input personal information, such as payment pages, should use secure protocols such as SSL or TLS. This encrypts the data being transmitted, protecting it from interception.

4. Implement a backup plan in case of an emergency. In the event your website is hacked or crashes, having a backup plan in place can help minimize damage and get your site back up and running quickly. Regularly backing up your site's content and database can help ensure you have access to a recent version in an emergency.

5. Consider using a web application firewall (WAF). A WAF acts as an additional layer of security, filtering and monitoring traffic to your website and blocking any suspicious activity. Many hosting providers offer WAF services, or you can use a third-party provider like Cloudflare.

These steps to secure your website can help protect you and your users from potential attacks and security breaches.  Of course, with Webflow, you automatically get many of these basic security measures included with your hosting plan.


Webflow provides regular software updates and secure protocols for data transmission. By using Webflow, you can create backups and easily change your passwords. And, with the Webflow CDN, you have an added layer of protection against malicious threats like DDoS attacks and malware. I can help you further secure your site in Webflow by setting up a custom domain with SSL. You'll get these services and more when you build a website with me.

Still curious about why I use Webflow? Check out my blog post, 5 Reasons Webflow is the Best Choice for Your Next Website Project to learn more.

Don't wait until it's too late – prioritize website security and stay vigilant about implementing these measures.

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